5 Amazing facts about Ishak Raees | Real History Urdu/Hindi | Nuktaa - Livez Pk

5 Amazing facts about Ishak Raees | Real History Urdu/Hindi | Nuktaa
1 year ago Views :84

Abdullah Zafar
Watch Nuktaa latest video on 5 facts about Ishak Reis in Urdu/Hindi. İshak Reis one of the saildors who marked and shaped history. He is the eldest brother of the Barbarosain. He is one of the 4 sons of Yakup Ağa and Katarina. The first Captain of the Ottoman Empire, and his brothers strengthened the Ottoman dominance in the Mediterranean by carrying the Turkish maritime industry to an advanced point. The Barbaros brothers played a great role in the Mediterranean being referred to as the “Turkish Lake”
#OttomanEmpire #IshakReis #BarbarosaSeries
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