10 Amazing facts about Khairuddin (Hayreddein) Barbarossa | Real History | Urdu/Hindi | Nuktaa - Livez Pk

10 Amazing facts about Khairuddin (Hayreddein) Barbarossa | Real History | Urdu/Hindi | Nuktaa
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Abdullah Zafar
Watch Nuktaa latest video on 10 facts about Khair Uddin Barbarossa in Urdu/Hindi. Khair Uddin Barbarossa is alson known as Hızır Hayrettin Pasha; and simply Hızır Reis. Khair Uddin Barbarossa was an Ottoman corsair and later admiral of the Ottoman Navy. Barbarossa's naval victories secured Ottoman dominance over the Mediterranean during the mid-16th century.Born on Lesbos; Khizr began his naval career as a corsair under his elder brother Oruç Reis. In 1516; the brothers captured Algiers from Spain; with Oruç declaring himself as Sultan. Following Oruç's death in 1518; Khizr inherited his brother's nickname; Barbarossa. He also received the honorary name Hayreddin. In 1533 Barbarossa was appointed Grand admiral of the Ottoman Navy by Suleiman the Magnificent. He led an embassy to France in the same year; conquered Tunis in 1534; achieved a decisive victory over the Holy League at Preveza in 1538; and conducted joint campaigns with the French in the 1540s. Barbarossa retired to Constantinople in 1545 and died the following year.
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